Polymorphic Conversion of Shellcode Part Two of Three - bin/cat /etc/passwd

Part two of assignment six of the SLAE has us performing our first polymorphic transformation on the Linux/x86 shellcode taken from shell-storm.org, bin/cat /etc/passwd...

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Polymorphic Conversion of Shellcode Part One of Three - kill(-1, SIGKILL)

Part one of assignment six of the SLAE has us performing our first polymorphic transformation on the Linux/x86 shellcode taken from shell-storm.org, kill(-1, SIGKILL)...

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Analysis of Shellcode Part Three of Three - linux/x86/exec

Part three of assignment five of the SLAE has us performing the final analysis of a Linux/x86 shellcode payload from msfvenom, linux/x86/exec ...

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Analysis of Shellcode Part Two of Three - linux/x86/read_file

Part two of assignment five of the SLAE has us continuing on with the analysis of another Linux/x86 shellcode payload from msfvenom, linux/x86/read_file ...

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Analysis of Shellcode Part One of Three - linux/x86/adduser

Assignment five of the SLAE we were asked to perform a thorough analysis of three separate Linux/x86 shellcode payloads of our choosing, this is part one of three, linux/x86/adduser ...

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Creating a Custom Shellcode Encoder

Assignment four is all about obfuscating our shellcode. A lot of antivirus solutions are actually not terribly sophisticated and can be tripped up by just slightly modifying the code being executed to deviate from a known malicious signature ...

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Creating Shellcode for an Egg Hunter

For Assignment three of the SLAE we were asked to research the concept of an Egg Hunter on our own. So, before digging in too far what exactly is an egg hunter and how can it help us ...

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Creating Shellcode to Create a Reverse Shell Over TCP

This assignment was a lot less work than the first just due to the fact that we got to re-use about 90% of the assembly code that we wrote for assignment one. In fact, this assignment takes even less code than the bind shell and has the distinct advantage of reaching out and connecting directly to someone instead of just sitting around and hoping someone decides to connect ...

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Creating Shellcode to Bind a Shell Over TCP

The first thing that I wanted to do was to generate a raw payload of the tcp shell bind in msfvenom in order to analyze what it was doing. As a side note, anytime that I move things via the clipboard (or web), I tend to base64 encode them as it makes moving the data around much simpler...

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Starting SecurityTube Linux Assembly Expert (SLAE)

After completing my journey to becoming an OSCP I started eyeing the OSCE heavily, however my experience with shellcode (and assembly in general) is fairly limited. After looking around the web I ran across several blog posts that were recommending something called the SecurityTube Linux Assembly Expert (SLAE) as a good pre-cert to work through before starting on the OSCE.

So that is exactly what I am planning on doing. I am curious to see how this works out as from reading about the exam it seems that it is graded by posting items to a blog, etc … hence why this blog now exists.

Let the journey becoming an SLAE begin …

SecurityTube Linux Assembly Expert (SLAE)